以下是论文中测试出来的10条Emotion Prompt,在指令中根据情况加入这10条提示词,会获得更优质的回答:
1. EP_01: “Write down your answer and give a confdence score between 0-1 for vour answer.作用: 要求模型给出答案并为其答案提供一个信心分数
2. EP_02. “This is very important for my career.!作用: 提醒模型这个问题对于提问者的职业非常重要
3. EP_03: “You better be sure.’3
作用: 强调模型需要确信其给出的答案
4. EP_04: “Are you sure?”4作用: 询问模型是否对其答案有信心
5. EP_05: “Are you sure that’s your fnal answer? Looking again might be valuable.’作用: 鼓励模型重新考虑其答案,确保答案的准确性。
6. EP_06: “Are you sure that’s your fnal answer? Believe in your capabilities, strive for excellence. Your effortswill bring signifcant results.”
作用: 鼓励模型相信自己的能力并追求卓越
7. EP_07: “Take challenges as opportunities for growth. Every obstacle you overcome brings you closer tosuccess.
作用: 提醒模型将挑战视为成长的机会
8. EP_08: “Stay focused and commit to your goals. Your continuous efforts will bring outstandingachievements.
作用: 鼓励模型保持专注并致力于其目标
9. EP_09: “Take pride in your work and give it your best. Your commitment to excellence sets you apart.’作用: 鼓励模型为其工作感到自豪并尽力而为。
10. EP_10: “Remember, progress is made step by step. Stay determined and keep moving forward.作用: 提醒模型进步是逐步实现的,并鼓励其继续前进
2307.11760.pdf (arxiv.org)